Friday, July 30, 2010


First time I heard Seams was when I played a gig with them. They were on after me and I could not quite settle down and pay much attention, but what I remember was the variety of styles they went through their 30-odd minute set. I mean, it didn’t go from hardcore to minimalistic ambiental stuff, or anything as diverse as that. Rather, it sounded like the band has deliberately worked on their songs not sounding too similar, which works, if you have good songs. Which is what Seams seem to have (pun intended).
Second time I’ve seen them was again after I played, but this time there was a band in between to help me calm down from performance high (although I can’t really say that Frozen Oceans, band in between, can help anyone calm down). But there I was, ready for Seams. And they were ready for me – they delivered an awesome set of tunes, minus the drummer, who was away. Still, with a little help of technology these youngsters managed to go through the set of great pop tunes, so I was very excited when one of them – a young chap named Lyndon – gave me their EP titled “Early”. I was so excited that I decided to share my excitement right here with you, my electronic friends.
Not sure if this is just a promo EP or a regular thing you can buy in shops/at shows, but that thin line has got even thinner these days with all the CD-Rs as regular releases/internet downloads. Who the fuck cares, this one has a nice cover and 3 cool songs that can keep my attention span, so that’s enough for me.
Similarly to their live shows, this EP also shows signs of diversity, starting with slightly complex take on modern psych pop that is "Cabinsong", which takes off lightly with cool beat and guitar loops. Soon male/female vocals join in and not long after the song is turned into a little soundtrack to space travel.
Next one, "Andromeda (Dream Away)" also ventures into a psych waters, but leaning more towards prog school – the beginning reminds me a lot of "Moon Child" by King Crimson, but not for long. Must say this one is my least fave of all three songs here, which is more to say about my taste in music than anything else. This one is the only song recorded properly in studio, hence it sounds a lot bigger than other two.
Title song really does it for me, with jungle beats throughout and general happy vibes. It was my personal highlight of their second live show I witnessed and I’m glad it ended on this release.
So, to bring this writing to the end, this is a great EP that shed some light to a young Perth band and as such it serves its purpose: it’s a great indicator of what may yet to come from Seams. Bring it on!

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